Puffed Millet with Fresh Organic Blueberries and Strained Greek Yoghurt .... and an Organic Green Tea.

Skinny Bride Mission Recipe: 1/2 cup gluten-free puffed millet, 1/2 cup fresh organic blueberries, 1/2 cup 2% milk, 1 Tbs unsweetened shredded coconut, 1 tsp chia seeds, cinnamon, ground ginger, 1 small tub 2% Fage yoghurt.


At 11am I ate 6 Raw Organic Brazil Nuts.

I then tracked the calories and realized that equalled 200. Woah! They should fill me up for a few hours.


Dave and I power-walked Downtown for lunch and ended up getting a Whole Foods Salad Bar Salad.

Mine had a layer of Slow-Cooked Lamb underneath all the Veggies. It was cooked in a lot of oil, so I grabbed the drier bits on the top of the dish. I added 1/8 cup Black Beans, a few Garbanzo Beans and some Hummus for extra carbs. My dressing was Aminos.

I had been beyond hungry as we got to Whole Foods. To the point where I couldn't talk anymore. Once I had a couple of bites of my salad I lost my appetite. This is a very strange occurrence for someone with an insatiable appetite like mine. I powered through as I knew I was feeling a little hyperglycemic and needed fuel, but I couldn't shake the feeling that my body just didn't want to be consuming animal meat right now.

I was completely energy zapped after this. I couldn't bear to walk a single step more, so we caught the train to 57th street and Dave proceeded to drag me at a snail's pace through Central Park and home. 

I crashed immediately and slept for 2 hours. I'm assuming my issue is one very late night, not enough sleep, and this morning's walk was powered by one very strong green tea. Once it wore off I had no hope.


Sheep's Yoghurt Cottage Cheese Fruit Salad.

Skinny Bride Mission Recipe: Mix 1/2 small tub plain sheep's milk yoghurt with 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese. Add zest from 1 lemon, and 1 tsp grated fresh ginger. Top with half a grapefruit, 4 strawberries, 1/4 cup blueberries and 4 raw organic pecans, chopped.


According to just about every successful trainer out there, when eating clean it's imperative that you indulge in a Treat Meal once a week. Not only does this give you mental and emotional stimulation, but more importantly it functions to boost your metabolism to massive proportions for 48 hours following the Treat Meal. It kick-starts your fat-loss efforts and results in more fat-burning than you could ever achieve by eating clean 100% of the time.

Kat Eden has written an article entitled: 'Lose Weight Faster By Cheating On Your Diet'. Here are her rules for the Treat Meal:
  • A cheat meal is a meal, not an evening. Or a day.
  • This means that you need to decide in advance what you’re going to eat, put it on the table, and enjoy. But once that booty leaves the chair, it’s over. No heading to the cupboard for sneaky treats (which probably shouldn’t be stored there anyway!) once the food has settled.
  • You can’t eat your cheat meal until you’ve consumed 100grams of animal protein. No ifs, no buts.
  • If you go too crazy, it’s entirely possible to undo a week of good eating in one night. Be smart about your cheats. Don’t stuff yourself till you can’t move, and always include some form of fats to slow down digestion. Cheese or cream-based pastas are better than tomato-based. Chocolate almonds are better than sugar candies. Ice-cream is better than sorbet.
  • Once the meal is over, it’s over! And that’s it for at least 6 more days.


Interestingly, late last year I invested (read: 'wasted') about $50 on a net-based diet called 'Cheat Your Way Thin'. It may work for some people, so I'm not discounting the program at all, but for me it was no good.

'Cheat Your Way Thin' advocates an entire Cheat Day. Apparently you need to load your body with complex carbs and sugar for 8-12 hours straight 1 day a week in order for your metabolism to skyrocket. (The diet developer says a single cheat meal will not give you the same benefits). The theory is that it takes 1 day to shoot your metabolism sky high, but 5 days for it to slowly return to it's previous level. Through manipulating carbs during the days following your Cheat Day, you are able to burn through the plateaus of more consistent diet and exercise.

Cheat Day rules invole no calorie counting, and eating whatever you want until you're moderately full, then waiting until you're moderately hungry before eating again. The diet developer warms you not to weigh yourself for a few days after your Cheat Day as you'll be bloated and heavy until the food is metabolised and your weight stabilizes.

I found cutting out carbs for a week of 'priming' for this diet had me lose 7 lbs (in one week!). But my Cheat Day destroyed everything. I put it all back on and more, only to just get back to my original weight by the next Cheat Day. I kept at it for another week and ended up so bloated and depressed. I'd previously eradicated sugar from my diet, and now this Cheat Day had me addicted to the White Death all over again. It takes 2 weeks to detox from sugar, so the 6 days between Cheat Days were forcing me to live in a constant state of sugar detox symptoms, (intense hunger, irritability, mood swings, depression, foggy headedness, deep cravings). It was horrible!

'Cheat Your Way Thin' may work for a less sugar-sensitive person, but it was defintiely not for me. It took a few months to undo the damage done by this program and I won't be going back for more.

A conscious, carefully planned Treat Meal once a week, however, is an entirely different story.


EXERCISE: Brisk Walk 80 mins + Slow Walk 60 mins

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