Junk food really throws your body around. After last night's Treat Meal, (which wasn't even really 'junk'. It was all organic, gluten-free, low-sugar .... just heavy on the carbs), I was awake until 3am. My usual bedtime is 11pm. I went to sleep with a bloated sore stomach, and woke at 7am with a feeling of something being not quite right in the belly area. 

I was also absolutely starving.

I hadn't had my 8 hours, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't go back to sleep. My tummy was grumbling and crying out for breakfast. It was supremely aware of the leftover Italian Octopus Salad hiding out in the fridge, and my mind began to concoct octopussy-breakfasty scenarios. 

It was all over. I had to get up.

I'm going to focus on detoxing today. No fruit, no sugar, no dairy. Just meat and greens with good fats, (olive oil, avocado, chia seeds and nuts).

I can't believe how amazing this Octopus Green Salad tastes for breakfast. It's putting a zing back in my carb-overloaded step.

Skinny Bride Mission Recipe: Toss 3oz grilled octopus with 1 tsp good quality organic olive oil, 1 tsp red wine vinegar, 3 cups of green vegetables, (I used broccoli, beans, celery, bell pepper, cucumber and collard greens), 1 tsp chia seeds, cayenne pepper, and salt and pepper to taste.

Incidentally I weighed myself this morning. I hadn't gained or lost any weight. I was pretty stoked that I managed to treat myself last night without eating more calories than I burnt off. Sure, I didn't hit my 625 deficit, and I went over the 1700 daily maximum, but I didn't do any damage either. I ended up with 90 calories to spare.


So tired. I had a cup of Green Tea to get me out the door. Then Dave and I ran a billion wedding errands before walking Downtown.

We had a bit of a hair mishap last night. Dave went to the barber. Bear in mind, this is the second last haircut he will have before the wedding, so it had to be good. 

He came home looking like Danny Zuko from Grease, (short back and sides with a huge protruding curly bouffant-like mop over his forehead). It was so ridiculous I could barely look at him without bursting into hysterics. He gave me the scissors and asked me to chop. 

Big mistake. 

I cut too close to his scalp and he ended up with a freakish punk hairdo. Thankfully our mate Beck is a whizz with the scissors. We headed to her place today for an emergency makeover. Now my fiance looks semi-decent. More like Jack Johnson than a candidate for GRease on Broadway.

I also stirred 1 Tbs of Psyllium Husks into a cup of water and drank the sludge. It filled me up for hours. I couldn't believe it. Even though I was surviving on very little sleep today, I didn't get my usual blood sugar crash before lunch. 


It was a gorgeous sunny day, so we grabbed a Whole Foods salad for lunch and ate in Madison Square Park.

I stuck to Greens and Roast Chicken Breast with Walnuts and Sunflower Seeds. I dressed my salad with Vegan Hot Sauce and a fresh dressing made from Pears, Strawberries, Ginger, Garlic and Red Wine Vinegar.

I had an unsweetened Iced Green Mint Tea on the side. I actually couldn't finish the bottle as the caffeine overdose today was giving me a headache. I just need sleep.

Oh, before I forget, have a look at my new purchase. It's a BPA-free Metal Water Bottle.

I've been hanging for one of these for a while. I guzzle bottles and bottles of tap water daily, but I've been really naughty and refilling the same plastic bottle for months. Those things leach dangerous hormone-disrupting chemicals into our bodies even when you crack open a fresh bottle. (Most water brands hot pour and the heat reacts with the plastic, leaching the chemicals into our water).

Jillian Michaels talks a lot about the effects of these chemicals on your body and weight-loss in her book, "Master You Metabolism". 

Now that I have my proper water bottle, I have no excuses.


I had 6 Raw Organic Brazil Nuts in my bag. I ate them around 4pm.


Dinner followed the green theme. I made a huge Lamb and Greens Stirfry with Chinese Rice Vinegar, Wheat-Free Tamari and loads of Fresh Basil and Chilli.

To be honest, I'm getting sick of green vegetables. I don't know how those serious body transformation people live on broccoli and tuna for months leading up to competitions. I can barely make it through 1 day!

My body is craving the rainbow.

Having said that, I am amazed at how my appetite decreased rapidly without any sugar in my diet.

I topped it off with 2 x Coconut Water Icypops.

These a full of natural sugars. I am now hungrier than when I started.


Half an Organic Brown Rice Cake with Pink Salmon and Sun Dried Tomato.

Had to break the green rule just once. I'm feeling kind of deprived now and craving Pumpkin Sesame Cookies, Chocolate and Milk.

EXERCISE: Brisk Walk 130 mins.

5/30/2012 05:25:08 am

you are accurate on all that publish

7/11/2012 01:52:39 pm

Good info bro


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