Woo-hoo! There is cause for celebration. I have made it past my glass floor and hit the 120's. Yeeeehhhaaarrrr!

I now weigh 129.5 lbs. Hallelujah to the Treat Meal night followed by a day of Greens.

My weight dropped 2 lbs this past week, and I lost about 1/4" off all my measurements. It looks like weight-lifting and less cardio is the key afterall. My next challenge is to get into HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) for maximum fat loss.

I also feel incredibly happy and bubbly and excited. All this healthy eating and exercise is filling my mood with hot air and sending me sailing across blue skies.

The thought of my impending wedding day used to fill me with dread. It was like a ticking time-bomb with my 'diet starts tomorrow' mentality. But now I am motivated, seeing results and I can already picture myself galavanting around on a Fiji beach in my new Freya bikini.

I can't wait for the Big Day to arrive!
4/24/2012 03:58:48 pm

Thanks for details


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