I am procrastinating big time. This morning is HIIT day but I'm in so much pain form the last session I'm too scared to do it again.

But I must. If I dip out now I'll never go back.

Breakfast was a kick-ass filling protein rich French Scramble, half a Grapefruit and an Organic Green Tea.

Skinny Bride Mission Recipe: Fry 3 cups veggies with 4 egg whites and 1 whole organic egg. Add 1/4 of an avocado, basil, fresh parsley and dress with coconut vinegar and tabasco.


I did it! I did that crazy-damn-hard HIIT workout again. Nearly died. Then felt less sore in my muscles and walked halfway to work.

I was so late today. An hour late, but my exercise is priority on the Skinny Bride Mission.

I guess I ate breakfast later than usual too, as I didn't need a morning snack today. (This is possibly also a result of the good old egg breakie).

Lunch was the last of the Lamb and Greens Stirfry with Avocado ....

.... and 1 gluten-free sugar-free Organic Sesame Pumpkin Cookie.


I headed to the gym for a lunchtime cardio session, then came back at 3pm and ate:

.... a Carrot, (just one from the bunch!) ....

.... a Hard Boiled Organic Egg ....

.... a handful of Mushrooms ....

.... 1/3 of a cup of Salsa ....

.... and 2 gluten-free sugar-free Vegan Choc Coconut Cookies.


I was really hungry by the time 5:45pm rocked around, but I wanted to pre-empt the horrible mood-swinging starvation mode I enter midway home from work if I don't eat a snack first.

So I ate 7 Raw Organic Almonds.


I walked halfway home from work and decided to have a light dinner tonight. No cooking. I had to get rid of half a Fage and some Cottage Cheese before they went off, so I made myself a Pumpkin Cheesecake Fruit Platter.

Skinny Bride Mission Recipe: Mix 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese with 1/2 small tub of 2% Fage strained Greek yoghurt. Stir in cinnamon and nutmeg to taste, and 1 Tbs unsweetened desiccated coconut. Serve over a bed of fresh baby spinach. Top with 1/3 cup raspberries, 1/4 cup blueberries, 1/4 of a pink grapefruit and 4 pecans.

I read the most eye-opening article today by Dr. Jonny Bowden. He talked about berries as superfoods and all the scientific proof of phenomenal impacts of eating them daily. Blueberries reduce aging, improve vision and help neuron communication, (are they the new 'brain food' surpassing fish?). Raspberries act like a natural Ibuprofen, strawberries protect memory and all fight cancer and protect against debilitating diseases like Alzheimer's. A surprising fact: 1 cup of raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber, (which Dr. Jonny says is more than most people get in a day).

I obviously had berries on the brain when I planned tonight's dinner.

2 x Coconut Water Icypops for dessert.


The more I research final phase fat loss, the more I become a convert of giving up cardio. Shock horror! I've been cardio-ing for the last 15 years and never questioned why I didn't achieve the results I dreamed of. 

John Romaniello (Roman), a New York trainer and fitness model, has developed a system which determines your primary personal fat storage hormone and uses particular exercises to blast away the final fat stores.

If you have hip and thigh fat, Estrogen is your problem hormone.
If you have love handle and lower back fat, Insulin is your problem hormone.
If you have belly fat, cortisol is your problem hormone.

The one fact that really struck a chord with me was this. Roman used to be a fat kid. He pigged out on all manner of junk for years on end, causing his insulin levels to spike and crash and spike and crash. (I swear I could have been talking to a mirror). According to Roman, the immediate effects were physically noticeable, (he became a wide load), but even more concerning are the longer reaching effects. He's been in shape now for years and years, but even when he's at his peak with a washboard model set of abs, he still holds a little in his love handles. His past bingeing has caused a massive permanent insulin resistance. As a result, his body cannot handle carbs anymore and probably never will.

Wow. To think, all the damage I've done to my own system over years of bingeing and sugar addiction. Nasty stuff.


I realized something about myself today. Dairy makes me hungry. When I go dairy-free, I eat far less calories throughout the day without even trying. Am I so sugar sensitive that the lactose in milk affects me like a Mars Bar?

I could never give dairy up for good. I love it too much. But perhaps it's best to keep it for night time.

According to the British Cheese Board "Cheese & Dreams" Study, eating cheese before bedtime enhances dreams, and choosing certain varieties of cheese can allow you to dictate the type of dream you have. Apparently cheddar evokes dreams involving celebrities. 

I am a mozzarella fan. I wonder what that's linked to? Buffalo mozzarella in particular. Mmmmm, creamy balls of heaven.

Anyway, after all this talk of cheese I had to grab a String Mozzarella before retiring for the night.


EXERCISE: HIIT 30 mins + Brisk Walk 80 mins + Elliptical Trainer 20 mins + Stairmaster 20 mins
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