Rainbow Egg White Scramble with Organic Green Tea and 2 squares of my new Chocolate Chili Fudge.

I opted for egg whites only this morning (x5) so I could save my fat quotient for the chocolate fudge. So decadent!

Skinny Bride Mission Recipe: CHOCOLATE CHILI FUDGE: Melt a 4oz (113g) block of organic unsweetened 100% cacao chocolate over a double saucepan on low heat. Add 1x 14oz (400ml) can of full-fat organic coconut milk. When hot and melted, stir in 2 envelopes (1/2oz or 14g) of unsweetened unflavored gelatine until dissolved. In a blender, grate 12 organic dates, 1/4 cup organic oatbran, 1/4 cup organic raw pecan halves, 1/4 cup organic unsweetened shredded coconut, 1/2 tsp cinnamon and 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper. Add to chocolate mixture and stir until combined. Pour into baking tray, cover with foil and refrigerate overnight. Cut into 25 squares. Each fudge square is about 50 calories and bursting with nutrition and good fats.

Note: this recipe ends up kind of moist. You could add more oatbran and 1/2 cup of almond meal to thicken it up. Perhaps even double the chocolate content. It would also make a fantastic mocha pudding without the oatbran and with decaf instant coffee added.

A happy accident occurred during the making of this fudge. I blended my unshaken can of organic coconut milk with 12 dates and had a taste. It was absolutely heavenly. My next dessert will be a coconut date pudding made with coconut milk, dates and gelatin. Oh so goooooood!


Organic Strawberry Lasagna.

Dave was cooking a toasted cheese sandwich for lunch today and it got me thinking .... I wanted something cheesy and breadish too, with a bit of sweetness and bite. Here's my solution. Man it was good.

Skinny Bride Mission Recipe: STRAWBERRY LASAGNA: Toast a slice of 'Food For Life' China Black Rice Bread. Chop 3 sticks of part-skim mozzarella into thin strands. Layer one stick over toast. Follow with alternating layers of 4 sliced organic strawberries and cheese strands. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Broil until cheese melts and browns. Enjoy hot.


3 raw organic Brazil Nuts.


Organic Grass-Fed Beef Burger Stirfry ....

.... Organic Fruit Cup ....

Skinny Bride Mission Recipe: ORGANIC FRUIT CUP: Chop and layer 1/2 an organic Grapefruit, , 1/4 cup organic Blueberries, and 2 organic Strawberries. Sprinkle with 1/2 Tbs unsweetened Organic Shredded Coconut.

.... and 2 squares of Organic Chocolate Chili Fudge.

I couldn't help myself. This stuff is so addictive, so healthy and so low in calories!


1/8 cup Pink Salmon with Herbs and a Blueberry Semifreddo.

Skinny Bride Mission Recipe: Mix 1/4 cup crushed frozen blueberries with 1 cup 2% milk. Freeze 1 hour, stir and eat with a spoon.


Daylight Savings began today and my body was all out of whack. I ate my last pre-bedtime snack at 9:30pm, so by midnight I was hungry again. 

I had a String Cheese Stick and 2 organic Strawberries ....

....and 1/4 cup fresh Organic Blueberries.


EXERCISE: Brisk Walk 120 mins + Shopping 30 mins.

9/23/2012 08:31:01 pm

Nice info dude


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