I'm losing weight again. Yehaaar! I know I'm not supposed to weigh-in until Sunday, but I'm keeping tabs on myself during this controlled-carb eating plan. I'm down to 129.5lbs again. Phew. Getting into the 120's always makes me smile.

Maybe it's the Meat 'n Nut breakfasts that are doing it? Or the daily dose of chocolate in place of a weekly treat binge? Who cares, I feel fantastic!

Today's breakie was 2 Bilinski Southwest Green Chili Chicken Sausages with Cheddar and 4 Raw Organic Brazil Nuts. (The photo shows more, but the calories soared so I ditched a few).

.... and the obligatory Organic Green Tea.

Even tho Dr. A says no to caffeine, (apparently it spikes your blood sugar and insulin levels), I'm going with Dr. Jonny Bowden's assessment instead. Green Tea is bursting with antioxidants and it boosts your metabolism. 

In the world of diets you can always find someone to advocate your personal choice. 

Fiber is lacking in this low-carb approach, so I stirred 1 Tbs Psyllium Husks into a cup of water.


An Organic Black Tea with 3 Tbs Cream.


Poached Salmon Salad.

Skinny Bride Mission Recipe: POACHED SALMON SALAD: Fry a 5oz salmon fillet in chicken stock and 1/2 Tbs fish sauce + 1 tsp wheat free tamari sauce. Add 1 clove garlic, and 1 tsp chopped ginger. Break salmon into pieces and add to 2 cups of organic green leafy vegetables, 1/4 of an avocado and 1/4 of a red bell pepper chopped. Pour pan juices over salad and squeeze on half a lime.

An Organic Black Tea with 3 Tbs Cream.

I went to the gym at lunch and did a half-assed workout. I was absolutely beat. Midway through I planned a trip to Garden of Eden for a chocolate fix.

But before the gym I ate 1/2 Tbsp Raw Organic Cacao Nibs.


Instead of just buying the usual 99% Noir Infini, I was distracted by the mini size 82% Scharffen Berger Chocolate bar. 

Since it was a novelty, I opened it first. This stuff is so good. Bit too much sugar though ingredients-wise, (whilst being not too sweet to taste).

This was my downfall today. Bad idea. It set me on a slippery slope .... wait till you see what came next ....

Michel Cluizel Noir Infini 99%.


My excuse was that I was feeling really really really exhausted. Training the new guy is killing me. There's no down-time.

The chocolate barely helped, but it was a start.

.... 2 Organic Hard Boiled Eggs for protein ....


I began kind of healthy. I made a 4-Egg White Omelette with 1/4 cup of Ricotta Cheese, Organic Mushrooms cooked in Organic Butter and a handful of Organic Baby Spinach.

Then everything went insane. I was on a chocolate high thanks to my 2 dark bars late afternoon. 

I got home and grabbed 2 homemade Chocolate Chili Fudge Squares from the freezer. They didn't even touch the sides. 

I felt manic. It was like i was disconnected from my body. After feeling totally lethargic all day, I was suddenly buzzing with urgency. I cleaned the house, I cooked, I watched tv, I speed-read, I did a million things at once, all the while hunting around for more food without a single thought for this blog. (I am now writing this 2 days later. Did someone say 'denial'?)

.... I ate a pack of Smartfoods Popcorn ....

(This is embarrassing. And confronting. It's really difficult to publicly admit to this massive fall off the wagon).

.... I pulled out the blender and made some crazy pudding concoction with Coconut Berry Jelly, Greek Gods Greek Yoghurt, 1/2 an Avocado, Flax Seeds and Blueberries.

This was being trying to be healthy, trying to get some fiber in my diet and also trying to use up all the yummy food in the house before our move.

Ok, so clearly I need to get acquainted with the idea of throwing stuff out rather than using my own gullet as a garbage can. 

.... I then ate 2 more Chocolate Chili Fudge squares and threw the rest in the trash. Who am I kidding? I can't be trusted with all this chocolate in the house and it won't be eaten before we leave NYC for good next week. Gone. I should've tossed them 2 weeks ago ....

.... half a Grapefruit ....

I was missing fruit.

I grabbed a huge handful of Raw Organic Cashew nuts ....

Then I manically cooked up a batch of toasted muesli for Dave, using up every last granola-like ingredient in the cupboard.

.... I was also craving heavier carbs. Oats were calling my name, so I ate 2 Coconut Lime Chia Squares ....

Here's 1....

.... and here's another ....

After these I felt good and full, but heavy. I didn't need anymore food. For the first time tonight I was satiated. 

But my mind took over. I started worrying about missing out on all this stuff on a low-carb diet and thought I'd better get it in now before it was too late. Stupid stupid mentality, I know.

A little later I had a slice of Food For Life Gluten-Free China Black Rice Toast with Ricotta, Peanut Butter and Peach Compote .... I then threw the peanut butter jar in the trash. Don't need it. Don't want it. 

Ironically, as I was chowing down non-stop. I was speed-reading The Atkins Revolution. Ha! Internally I was planning my resurrection from this downward spiral.


I finished the night with a Sheep's Milk Yoghurt Peach and Passionfruit Parfait with Blueberries. I told myself I had to get rid of all the yoghurt and fruit in the fridge so I could start my low-carb plan properly tomorrow.

Looking back on this day, I feel disgusting. I wonder why I did it. Actually, I know why. It was the sugar in the chocolate waaaaay back around 3 or 4pm. I am supremely sugar sensitive and I need to acknowledge this and avoid sugar for good. One little bit and look what happens! It happens the same way every time. I have never been able to just eat a little of something sweet and stop there. This is exactly how I gained weight to begin with.

This blog is a bit of a revelation to me. I've never seen my diet blunders laid out in a confronting full color spread like this before. The fact that I avoided updating my blog until days later is a telling sign. It's like I was trying to block out the truth.

I see now why a planned Treat Meal should be done in one sitting. You decide what you want, put in on a place, sit at the table with no distractions and really enjoy the process. Once you get up, you're done.

Here is a prime example of what not to do.


EXERCISE: Stairmaster 20 mins + Arm Weights 15 mins + Brisk Walk 30 mins

9/3/2012 06:22:10 pm

Many thanks for information


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