OK, I bit the bullet and stepped on the scales this morning. The damage was not as horrifying as I imagined, but I do have a bit of work to do. 

I now weigh 132lb.

If I'm in the 120's for my wedding I'll be happy. Below 125lb's will be ideal, but considering the stress I've been putting myself under to get there, I'm not sure it's worth it. My new game plan is to eat less, (preferably aiming for 1250 calories a day), stick loosely to The Zone with low-carb-higher-fat tweaks and to exercise every day. Whatever comes of that will  be.

Killing myself for one event will only lead to rebelling afterwards. That could end up in huge weight gain. I want to be a Trim 'n FIt Wife For Life!


5:30am - 1 Egg and 5 Mushrooms ....

.... and 2 pieces of 99% Cacao Chocolate.


I forgot to take a picture of our B&B breakie today, but it was a slice of local papaya with lime, a bite of banana, scrambled eggs with grated cheese and local avocado rolled inside corn tortillas. I ate 1/3 of one tortilla to avoid offending our hosts, then gave the rest to Dave. The rest was so delicious.

We're staying on an organic coffee farm so I had to try half a cup on their produce as well as a cup of tea with cream.


We headed off to hike a volcano today. I took a Smoked Turkey Salad with Pecans, Organic Butter and Habanero Chili Sauce, half a packet of Chickpea Chips, 2 low-fat String Cheese Sticks and a bag of fresh Green Beans I bought at a farmer's market on the way.

2 Boiled Eggs.

Here's me on the volcano eating a Cheese Stick and some Beans. This cheese sucks. It's extra low fat and tastes like dust. Give me more fat any day.

Lesson learnt. Dairy products should always be eaten with fat intact.


Roast Chook! I ate a leg before I had time to take this picture. Then I ate the other and left all the good bits for Dave.

I had a hand full of Green Beans in the car on the way home too.

After the dodgy nonfat Greek Yoghurt debacle last night, I went back to the store to stock up on Full-Fat Greek Gods. I ate 4oz with half a tiny local Mango. H-E-A-V-E-N.

Did I mention we're staying on a Hawaiian Macadamia nut farm? After dinner I gathered some fresh nuts, cracked 5 and ate them. Yummo.

9/3/2012 07:48:28 am

Good article dude


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