Breakfast today was Gingerbread Coconut Puffed Millet with Blueberries and 2% milk. Yummo! I love puffed millet. It's gluten-free and super low in carbs so you can have a whole cup full for only 60 calories and 11g carbs. I mixed in some cinnamon, ginger and a sprinkling of nutmeg, then added 3 tablespoons of unsweetened reduced-fat shredded coconut. (I absolutely love coconut in all it's forms. If I was trapped on a desert island for a year and given the option of only one food to live on, coconut would be it).

For some added protein on the side I had 3 Scrambled Egg Whites with cayenne pepper. (Gotta love a bit of spice). Oh, and a cup of steaming Green Tea to get me going in the morning. It's a staple of mine.


For lunch today my hubby-to-be splashed out on brunch at Norma's in Le Park Meridien. Oh. My. God. This place is known as the 'best brunch in NYC' for a reason. Phenomenal. Pricey, but worth every bite as the ingredients are all so fresh and the portions huge.

I ordered a Rock Lobster and Asparagus Omelette (sans cream) with fruit salad on the side instead of gluten-filled toast. Look at the size of this thing!

Oh, and a shot of blueberry/banana smoothie on the side.

This was my plate when I was done. I took half the omelette home, (it'll appear in this blog again over the next few days), and I left all the potatoes. Potatoes spike my blood sugar like a spoonful of sugar, then I crash big time soon after. Who needs those extra carbs anyway?


We walked down to Stumptown at the Ace Hotel for NYC's best coffee. I was still full from brunch, so I had 2 sips of my fiance's full-fat latte before be destroyed it with sugar. Mmmm, heaven in a coffee cup.

I usually go decaf anyway as coffee gets me jittery and keeps me awake all night.

My afternoon snack was a Passionfruit Parfait.

Skinny Bride Mission Recipe: small tub of Plain Old Chatham Sheep's Milk Yoghurt, a scoop of frozen 100% Passionfruit Pulp and a sprinkling of cinnamon.

Delicious. A perfectly balance mini-meal. So filling and so healthy.


Dinner was a bowl of low-fat Homemade Chicken and Beet Soup, a fresh Organic Salad with lime juice and balsamic vinegar as a fat-free dressing. I chopped a Mozzarella String Cheese Stick and added it to my salad for added protein and fat, then scattered some chia seeds for extra goodness on top. 

I always need a sweet treat after dinner. Dessert tonight was that crazy looking thing behind my bowl. I freeze pure Coconut Water into icy-pops. (I warned you about my coconut fetish). My favorite brand to use is 'Taste Nirvana with Pulp'. It's so naturally sweet you'd be excused if you thought they'd doused it with sugar.  


A glass of 1% milk before bed to keep my metabolism speeding along while I sleep.


EXERCISE: Walking 3mph for 120 minutes + Cooking 1 hr
5/31/2012 01:21:37 pm

is quickly


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